What is a Christian?

What is a Christian?
Simply put, a Christian is someone who has put their faith, hope, and trust in Jesus Christ.  This means believing in the person and the work of Jesus.  This includes His living a sinless life, His ministry, His vicarious death on the cross (paying the price for sin), and His resurrection.

Christians are not perfect people.  In fact, Scripture (the Bible) teaches us that no human is good, no human is sinless, in fact the Bible tells us that all have sinned and we are dead in our sin (Romans 3:10-12; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23).  There is nothing that we as humans can do to remove that stain of sin.  It is through Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross that we are saved from sin (Romans 10:9; Romans 10:13) .  It is not by our hand, or our work that we find salvation, but through what Jesus has done (Romans 5:1; Romans 8:1).

Who is Jesus?
The Bible teaches that Jesus wasn’t merely a man who died on a cross, but that He was God incarnate (Romans 1:2-5; Hebrews 1:3; John 1:14-18).  The third person in the Trinity of God, God the Son.

Jesus came teaching that the Kingdom of God was at hand.  He came delivering Good News (which is what Gospel means).  That Good News is though we find ourselves sinful man, separated from God, God has made a way for us to be reconciled to Him (John 3:16-18; 1 John 3:4-5; 1 Peter 1:3).  Jesus came living the perfect life we couldn’t, He died on the cross an innocent man paying the price for sin for each of us, and rose again from the dead bodily on the third day and invites us into a relationship with Him (Romans 5:10).

How Do I Become a Christian?

How Do I Become a Christian?
The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that we must believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord and confess that with our lips.  Salvation, requires faith in Jesus, but this isn’t simply a head knowledge it is trusting in His atoning sacrifice, His resurrection, and because of that devoting our life to Him.  This also requires what we call repentance which is tied closely with confession.  We must realize that we are sinners, that we have violated God’s law, we have been disobedient to God and as such we are sinners deserving of judgement.  We have to realize our need for saving before we can confess our belief in Jesus atoning for our sin.  Repentance isn’t simply feeling bad for what we have done, but committing to going in a different direction.  This is where committing our life to Jesus and chasing after Him comes into play.

If you are interested in committing your life to Jesus today, it simply begins with confessing that you are a sinner in need of saving.  That you know that Jesus, God incarnate, came and died for your sin and has invited you to new life found in Him.  Then, making the commitment to devoting your life to Him.  If you just confessed that in prayer or are contemplating it, please send us a message right now and one of our pastors would love to talk with you more about next steps.

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