Protecting our kids

Greetings Parents

We treat the protection of our children with the utmost importance!

To insure that we protect your children while they are involved in our children's church programming, we require the following:

-1) Our volunteers must go through an application process which includes a satisfactory background check.

-2) Parents must fill out a registration form for each child in attendance (1/ year). This is required for participation in any church sponsored children's events (but is only required once per year). It insures that we have current information, which is used only to keep your children safe.
The registration form is included here so that you can print it out and bring it with you, Or we will have forms at church that can be filled out when you arrive.

-3) You also need to check your kids in and out of children's church, and the nursery. This is a simple sheet requiring your name, the name of your child(ren), and your initials when you check them in and again when you pick them up.

We appreciate your understanding as we work to protect you, your children, and the church.