What Does a Church Covenant Mean?
A Covenant is an agreement between two or more parties to do something specific. In the setting of a church this is a solemn agreement between members to act together in harmony based on their common beliefs. Covenants require active participation on the part of both parties. In the context of our church this means we have an active membership with the expectation of participation in the church body.
Our Covenant
Having been inspired by the Grace of God to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and feeling that we must obey His commands in response to His love toward us, we do now, in the presence of God, solemnly covenant with each other:
that with God giving us strength, we will walk together in brotherly love. (I Peter 2:17)
that with loving hearts we will care for and encourage each other, and counsel, warn, and if necessary, discipline one other, using Scripture as our guide. (Matthew 18:15-17)
that we will participate in one another’s joys, and endeavor with sympathy to bear one another’s burdens and sorrows. (Romans 12:15 and 16)
that we will cheerfully support the financial needs of our church so we are able to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 6: 19-21 and Luke 6:38)
that we will joyfully gather to worship God on the Sabbath, participate in the work of the church, and follow the ordinances and authority of the church body. (Exodus 20:8 and Romans 12: 1)
that we will lean on God’s strength to help us turn away from evil and worldly desires, and live our lives as a positive example to others. (Colossians 3:12-14 and Romans 12:2)
and lastly, that through life we will strive, whether we are scorned or praised, to live to the glory of Him who has called us out of the darkness into His marvelous light. (1 John 1: 5-7)