Get REAL: Straight Talk About Your Faith #1

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Beneath the Surface

Jesus wants to transform every part of your life, not just the parts people can see.

Icebergs…those majestic, yet treacherous, giants floating in the ocean. They serve as more than a mere visual spectacle. Beneath the surface lies a reality unseen, much like the depth of our own selves. Just as a tiny fraction of an iceberg protrudes above water, only a fraction of us is visible to the world. The rest, the majority, remains concealed beneath layers of pretense and avoidance.

In the realm of faith, we often overlook this hidden depth. Many of us have become adept at wearing masks, projecting an image of spiritual wellness while neglecting the turmoil within. We have mistaken shallow discipleship for maturity, opting for surface-level expressions of piety over genuine transformation.

But Jesus calls us to a deeper reality. He isn’t interested in superficial touch-ups; He desires a complete overhaul of our being. Like Israel’s King Saul from the Old Testament, who appeared outwardly successful but harbored hidden disobedience, we too must confront the depths of our hearts.

In 1 Samuel 15, Saul’s outward obedience masked his inward rebellion. He selectively followed God’s commands, preserving what suited him while disregarding the rest. His facade of sacrifice could not conceal his true allegiance—a heart divided between God and self.

Similarly, Jesus challenged His followers to go beyond mere compliance with religious norms. In Luke 10:25-28, when asked about inheriting eternal life, Jesus redirected the focus from outward actions to inward devotion. Loving God with our whole being—heart, soul, mind, and strength—requires a holistic surrender, transcending superficial gestures.

Yet, many of us falter in this pursuit. We excel in intellectual understanding and spiritual practices but neglect the physical, emotional, and relational dimensions of faith. We compartmentalize our lives, segregating the sacred from the secular, unaware that true spirituality encompasses every facet of existence.

In his book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality[i], Pete Scazzero echoes this sentiment, advocating for the integration of emotional health and spiritual maturity. Our emotional well-being, often sidelined in religious circles, is intrinsic to our spiritual growth. Ignoring it hampers our journey toward wholeness, leaving us spiritually stunted and emotionally immature.

The consequences of this disconnect are evident in the alarming statistics within the Christian community—divorce rates mirroring the secular world, materialistic attitudes akin to non-believers, and moral compromises contradicting professed beliefs. These symptoms reveal a crisis of transformation, where information abounds but genuine change remains elusive.

Jesus beckons us to dive deep, to unveil the hidden depths of our souls. He invites us to relinquish our masks and pretenses, allowing Him access to every corner of our being. This journey is not easy; it requires vulnerability and honesty. Yet, the reward is immeasurable—a life transformed from the inside out, reflecting the image of the One who calls us His own.

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, let us heed the call to authenticity. Let us confront the iceberg within, embracing the fullness of who we are and who God created us to be. For true faith isn’t found in superficiality but in the depths of genuine surrender and radical transformation.[ii]

[i] Scazzero, Peter. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Updated Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2017.

[ii] To watch the full message: